Weather Alert | Due to anticipated road and driving conditions, all 5Point Credit Union lobbies will delay opening until 1 PM tomorrow, Wednesday, January 22nd. This schedule is subject to change based on evolving weather conditions.
Please click here to view our digital services including online banking, our mobile app, and mobile deposits. 

Our Call Center will be available from 9 AM to 5 PM, Our drive-thru Live Teller Systems will be available from 8 AM to 6 PM, and our Virtual Lobby from 9 AM to 5 PM.

Please note: These services will remain operational as long as our remote employees continue to have access to utilities such as electricity and internet.

We will continue to monitor conditions and provide updates regarding operations. Please stay updated by visiting our website or following us on social media. 

It’s like having a credit union in your pocket.

Download our free app so you can view account balances and transaction history, transfer money, add subshare accounts, and pay bills or pay your friend while you’re on the go. You can also use the 5Point app to manage your money, apply for a loan, and view surcharge-free ATM locations. You can even deposit checks remotely via your smartphone’s camera. See how easy it is here.

5Point App

First you'll need to download the app:
Once downloaded to your device, you can log into the app with your 5Point home banking login information.

Username and password restrictions


  • Must be at least six characters long and no longer than 20 characters
  • Cannot be all numbers (can be all letters or characters)
  • Can contain letters, numbers, and the following characters: @$*-=.!~
  • Cannot contain any whitespace (spaces are not allowed: including before, in the middle of, or after the username)


  • Minimum Length: 8
  • Maximum Length: 32
  • Minimum Characters: 1
  • Minimum Uppercase Characters: 1
  • Minimum Lowercase Characters: 0
  • Minimum Numeric Characters: 1
  • Minimum Special Characters: 1
**A special character is any one of the following: ! @ # $ % ^ & * - + = ( ) [ ] | ; : , ? .

Password will expire every 120 days and remind you 10 days before expiration.

Enable or disable alerts and notifications

1. Sign into the 5Point app
2 . Select “More,” then “Settings,” then “Push Notifications”
3. Enable or disable desired alerts

Questions about deleting your online account?

Click here for more information.

What else can you do in the 5Point mobile app?

How do you find your account number?

For a savings account number, login and view your e-statement. The account number will be located on the upper right corner of the statement. For a checking account, login and select the checking account. Then, click on account details.

5Point Credit Union's routing number is 313187571

Text Banking

Need account information fast? Sign up for text banking. Setup is easy – just log into home banking, then click the notifications tab. You’ll be taken through set-up and using these shortcuts in no time.
Once you’ve registered, send these keywords to 454545 for fast answers:
BAL = Primary account balance
BAL ALL = All account balances
BAL CHK = Checking account balances
BAL SAV = Saving account balances
LAST = Last 5 transactions
STOP = Deactivate service
HELP = Help on keywords

Loan Payment Center

Click here for more information on how to pay your loans.

Sign up for eStatements

1.  Log into the mobile app
2. Select “More"
3. Select "eStatements/Notices"
4. Read the disclosure, check the “Yes, I agree” box, and select “Submit”

For more information about eStatements, click here.