Holiday Closing | We will be closed on Monday, February 17th, in observance of Presidents' Day. 
Lumberton Drive-Thru Update | Our Lumberton branch drive-thru is OPEN! Please visit our temporary offices beginning Friday, February 14, while our renovation is under construction. Lobby hours are 9 AM – 5 PM.

Secure your account now by going paperless!
Don't expose your account number; opt into eStatements for extra security.
Sign up today through online banking or our mobile app.

5Point mobile app eStatements enrollment

1.  Log into the mobile app
2. Select “More"
3. Select "eStatements/Notices"
4. Read the disclosure, check the “Yes, I agree” box, and select “Submit”

Home banking eStatements enrollment

1.  Log into home banking
2. Select select “eStatements/Notices” in the menu
3. Select "Delivery Preferences"
4. Follow the additional steps

Consider the benefits of eStatements

Receive your statements immediately. You can view your eStatements as soon as they are ready using your computer or mobile device, without waiting for them to be mailed.

Digital statements are more secure than paper statements. You don’t have to worry about your statements being misplaced, stolen, or delivered to the wrong mailbox.  

Free yourself from clutter. Paperless statements let you say “so long” to piles of paper and mail to sort and shred. At the same time, eStatements remain accessible to you in a secure digital file and can be downloaded and printed if a physical copy is needed!