Holiday Closing | We will be closed on Monday, February 17th, in observance of Presidents' Day. 
Lumberton Drive-Thru Update | Our Lumberton branch drive-thru is OPEN! Please visit our temporary offices beginning Friday, February 14, while our renovation is under construction. Lobby hours are 9 AM – 5 PM.

A New and Improved Bill Pay Experience.

Our new bill pay feature offers improved ways to move funds, manage, and pay your bills in one secure place. Bill pay can be found in the mobile app and home banking under the "Payment Center" tab.

For step-by-step instructions on how to use our bill pay service, click here.
If you need further assistance, please reach out to our member service team.

See below for details on our new system:
Sign in to your bill pay dashboard to cancel a pending bill payment. Locate the payment, expand to view details, and select delete payment.
When using bill pay, please check the following items:
  • Check that account numbers and addresses uploaded correctly after the upgrade.
  • Monitor your personal account to ensure bill payments have cleared.
  • Check your email after sending payments to ensure none of the payments were returned.
Reach out to our member service team if you need assistance updating your payees or find that you have a returned payment.
We are constantly looking for ways to improve our member's experience. Upgrading our bill pay feature will allow you to move funds, manage, and pay your bills in one secure place with a faster delivery speed.
We ask that you delete any unused payees. Deleting unused payees will help us transfer only the current payees you are actively using. Please note if you have hidden payees in the past, those will need to be deleted if they are no longer needed. It is very important to review your payee billing information to ensure everything has transferred over correctly once our new system is live.
Your existing payees, scheduled payments (including recurring payments), and up to six months of payment history will be available in the new bill pay service.
While we are making every effort to ensure your information is transferred to the new bill pay service seamlessly, we recommend you verify your payee information (name, address, and account number) and that your scheduled bill payments are accurate in the new service.
Payments to anyone in the United States and its territories can be made through bill pay. You can pay practically anyone- charge accounts, utilities, auto loans, professionals, even a lawn service, friend, or relative.
To ensure a fast and easy enrollment process, we recommend following the steps below before enrolling your eBills:

● Know the username and password you use to access each biller’s website. If you forgot your login information, visit the biller’s website to reset your password.
● Be sure to know your account number and payment address for each biller. This information can be obtained from a most recent statement or eBill or the biller’s website.
● Some billers may require a one-time code or challenge question to complete setup. Visit the biller’s website to verify your email address and mobile number are current in their system and update your challenge question answer(s), if necessary.
● As each biller has a different billing cycle, some eBills may not be available until your next statement cycles.
Payments will process electronically via ACH or by check. Funds must be available by 4:00 PM CT of the send date when electronic payments are indicated for the selected payee.
Yes, our bill pay offers 24-hour service/7 days a week. You can pay online using a credit card, debit card, or an electronic check (eCheck).
Your payment scheduling experience will change in the enhanced bill pay service, giving you a better understanding of when your payments will be sent and when your payees should expect to receive payments.

When scheduling payments, you will be presented with two dates, the payment send date, the date you wish for the payment to be sent, and the estimated delivery date, the date your payee is expected to receive the payment. The estimated delivery date displayed is dependent upon the send date you select and the method by which the payee receives payments, by check or electronically.

Electronic payments will be deducted from your account on the send date. Funds must be available by 4:00 PM on the send date for the payment to be sent.

Check payments will be mailed to your payee on the send date and the payment will be deducted from your account when the payee cashes or deposits the check.

To assist you with identifying how each of your payees receive payment, payees will display either an envelope icon for check payments or a lightning bolt icon for electronic payments.
Yes! You can still access all your 5Point accounts. The only portion under construction is bill pay.