Lumberton Drive-Thru Update | Our Lumberton branch drive-thru is OPEN! Please visit our temporary offices beginning Friday, February 14, while our renovation is under construction. Lobby hours are 9 AM – 5 PM.

Auto Rental Collision Damage Waiver (ARCDW)

This benefit eliminates the need for you to pay for the collision damage waiver or similar provision provided by commercial auto rental companies on most passenger vehicles—saving you as much as $13 per day in insurance costs.

How This Card Benefit Program Works

ARCDW will reimburse a covered cardholder for the repair or replacement of a damaged rental vehicle due to collision, theft or other physical damages, up to the actual cash value of most rental cars. ARCDW provides automatic protection when you decline the comparable coverage from the rental company and pays for the auto rental with a covered card.

Available in the U.S. and most foreign countries, ARCDW reimburses the cardholder up to the full value of most rental cars for theft or damage not covered by the auto rental company, your personal insurance, employer or employer's insurance.1

For cardholders who rent automobiles outside their country of residence, coverage is primary with reimbursement for eligible expenses within the cardholder's country of residence. Coverage is supplemental to, and in excess of, any other valid or collectible insurance from any other source.

ARCDW Covers:

  • Physical damage and theft of the covered rental vehicle

  • Valid loss-of-use charges imposed and substantiated by the auto rental company

  • Reasonable and customary towing charges, due to covered theft or damage, to the nearest qualified repair facility

The cardholder and all those permitted by the auto rental contract as additional drivers are covered. The program will cover rentals up to 15 days within the U.S. and up to 31 days outside the U.S.

1 Excluded countries include Ireland, Northern Ireland, Israel, Jamaica and other countries where precluded by law or in violation of the territory terms of the rental agreement. Other restrictions, limitations and exclusions may apply.