5Point Account Number:
Social Security Number:
High School Currently Attending:
Permanent Home Address:
Zip Code:
Phone Number:
Birth Date:
Applicant's Email:
Alternate Email:
Projected Class Rank and Size of Graduating Class (e.g. 12/305):
Current Grade Point Average:
SAT, ACT, and/or TSI Score(s):
College/University You Plan to Attend:
Have you applied?:
Have you been accepted?:
What is your declared major?:
List your high school activities (publications, debating, music, art, student government, clubs, sports,ect.):
List your community volunteer activities (church work, outreach programs, hospital work, etc.):
List and describe the jobs you have had in the past four years. Please include length of employment.:
Our values at 5Point are service, community, accountability, teamwork, and loyalty. Which of these values is most important to you and why? :
Why is this scholarship important to you?:
Which 5Point products and services do you use? : CheckingSavingsDebit CardHome Banking5Point AppMobile DepositSavvyMoneyMoney ManagementNone of the Above
Social Media Consent:
Applicant's Signature: